This Tuesday, June 27, commemorating the founding of Correo del Orinoco, the first newspaper in the country, CLX Group celebrates the day of all journalists, who throughout the year keep Venezuelans informed in a truthful and transparent manner of national and global news events.

The modern world moves at great speed, every day hundreds of pieces of information come to light in the blink of an eye. Faced with such immediacy, the work of the social communicator has become essential today to put in order all those data and investigations and turn them into news.

The CEO of CLX Group, Nasar Ramadan Daga Mujamad, sent a warm message of thanks to the communicators for all the support provided in each of CLX Group’s initiatives to provide new opportunities and experiences to Venezuelans.

Thanks to our allies

We congratulate our team of journalists, who every day make possible the dissemination of information that allows us to convey the message that we want to share with the whole country on behalf of the business group.

To our allies Luis Olavarrieta and José Andrés Padrón, who have accompanied us during these last years of expansion in all our projects as representatives of our brand.

And we cannot forget those who work as a bridge for the broadcasting of valuable content. To all the channels, media and communication professionals who are also involved in the process of linking our message of commitment to the advancement of this country.

Being informed is essential to be able to connect with the world we live in, that is why we celebrate that human talent that contributes to better understand the news events of the country.