The director of CLX Samsung, Samsung distributor in Venezuela and XIO, Xiaomi distributor in Venezuela, Nasar Dagga, is a person experienced in technology. The imperious arrival of 5G in the modern world has inspired him to convey his point of view about this revolutionary technology.

The fifth generation of telecommunications or 5G is the next generation connection. This is already a fact, as it has been tested in several countries around the world.

The implementation of this powerful network is expected to bring us many benefits on our devices and those around us every day. The response speed is absolutely revolutionary. This is due to the unusually short standby times that 5G can achieve.

Essentially, the hold period refers to the time it takes for the device’s signal to return through the network and perform operations such as loading a web page in a browser.

In this way, the entrepreneur Nasar Dagga, indicates the operation of the 5G delay time as extraordinary:

“With 4G we have a latency period of 200 milliseconds. With 5G it is only 1 millisecond. Make this account; the human eye reacts in 250 milliseconds to visual stimuli. This is equivalent to ¼ of a second. The reaction of 5G is 1/1000 of a second, that is, faster than we can see the page we are looking for in the browser appear on the screen of our phones” indicated the President of XIO.

None of this takes into account the speed that 5G offers, which is between 2 and 20 GB per second. For example, depending on the type of network (either wireless or fiber optic), it is only a matter of time to download files that are 10 GB in size.

On the other hand, speed is not the only highlight of this 5G network. Furthermore, 5G is expected to unleash a huge IoT ecosystem. With it, you can make the right trade-off between speed, latency, and cost to meet the needs of billions of people using these connected devices.

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