For the little children of home! MultiMax became a cinema for all the people of Carabobo who visited its headquarters in Valencia, who enjoyed to the fullest a super special outdoor function together with the Cine Bajo las Estrellas team.

The Valencians enjoyed this first performance, with the famous Disney film, “Encanto”, this was the film that captivated all the children, adolescents and older adults, who gathered at this first stop of the tour of functions that will continue thanks to the largest multi-brand in Venezuela MultiMax; always the initiative of its president Nasar Ramadan Dagga Mujamad.

Nasar Dagga giving away smiles with Cinema Under the Stars

The businessman Nasar Dagga, has surprised all Valencians, echoing throughout Venezuela. The event was held under a great atmosphere on Valencian soil; In addition, families from Carabobo were delighted with a charming performance by Disney, who even took their mats to live a different moment with the multi-brand.

The MultiMax team in charge of attending to all those present, with charisma and good attention during the Cinema Under the Stars, gave popcorn gifts and, together with the Kucce brand, made nuggets for the spoiled of the house, with one of its stellar products.

For Nasar Ramadan Dagga, the most important thing is to include the Venezuelan family even more in each of the activities carried out by the multi-brand nationwide.

“The happiness of our children is everything. We started with the first showing of Cine Bajo Las Estrellas at our headquarters in Valencia and the goal is to take it to all our stores in Venezuela to give this moment to all families”, said Nasar Dagga, president of MultiMax. Familia Dagga

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Continue reading: MultiMax presents “Promo La Victoria” in Reopening of Traki