The business conglomerate CLX Group continues to visit schools in the capital of Carabobo to introduce children to the technological marvel of MAX the “CyberDog”.

The much-loved mascot is part of one of the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence from the Xiaomi brand. Since mid-April, Max has toured numerous study centers in La Gran Valencia to amaze the little ones with his innovations and tricks.

The initiative was conceived under the vision of the brand’s CEO Nasar Ramadan Dagga Mujamad. Together with his team, they have consolidated a way to promote technological culture in Venezuela, starting with children, one of the essential pillars of the future.

“From CLX Group we are proud to help in the learning of every Venezuelan child, being our main focus to bring innovation to the country,” said Nasar Dagga, CEO of CLX Group.

In addition, it is worth noting that our country is the first in the region to bring the aforementioned (IA) to Latin America; this as part of the objective of enriching this educational experience, which is new in this corner of the continent.

MAX CyberDog from XIO

MAX in schools

Among the institutions that have received MAX are the Camoruco Educational Unit, the Simón Rodríguez School in Santa Rosa, U. E. Divino Niño, U. E. Colegio Betania, U. E. Colegio Joseph Lancaster, U.E. Colegio Santa Rosa, Instituto Educacional Juan XXIII and the recently opened Colegio Cristo Rey.

Some of these schools were the winners of the CLX Experience sweepstakes to meet Xiaomi’s robo-dog; the result of which was published on our official Instagram account last May 12.

In the coming days, more children will be able to experience the unforgettable arrival of XIO’s MAX CyberDog at CEI Guaraira Repano, Colegio Sagrado Corazón, U. E. Ramón Pierluissi and U. E. Niños en Acción, where they will share a unique morning with the presence of one of the most recent advances in the AI technology market worldwide.

MAX CyberDog from XIO

MAX the CyberDog of the CLX Group family

Xiaomi’s first quadruped robot implements the best of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, to a companion capable of following voice instructions and with object tracking and detection functions; furthermore, allowing it to analyze and interact with people and its environment in a unique and exciting way.

Thanks to its processing capabilities, MAX can be trained to follow its owner and avoid obstacles; in addition, it is accompanied by other functions that make it man’s best robo-friend.

This experience comes from the hand of CLX Group, as part of its commitment to bring the most relevant in terms of technology; also, it will be taken to more young Venezuelans so they can be inspired and learn from this magnificent experience.


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Una publicación compartida de NASAR DAGGA (@nasardagga)

It’s still time to live this #ExperienciaCLX.