We are all Vinotinto! Once again, we came together in Maturín to celebrate and support the Venezuelan dream of the World Cup. CLX Group, under the leadership of its CEO, Nasar Dagga, accompanied the Venezuelan Football Federation (FVF), as official sponsor of La Vinotinto during the qualifying matches for the FIFA World Cup – Mexico/USA/Canada 2026.

After a first match against Colombia, the passion for soccer continued with Venezuela’s victory in its second match against Paraguay’s national team, held last Tuesday, September 12 at 6:00 p.m., local time, at the Monumental Stadium in Maturín, Monagas state; this being the Vinotinto’s first match in the country during this preseason.

In support of the national team, the largest multi-brand in Venezuela connected with the fans through the live broadcast of both dates at its main headquarters in Multimax Valencia and in the presentation at Plaza Alfredo Sadel, where fans connected with the Latidos Vinotinto, and also witnessed Venezuela’s first victory in these preliminaries.

“As passionate about soccer, from Multimax Store we join Venezuelans for this new qualifying period, strengthening our ties with the fans of La Vinotinto and, as always, promoting the development of the sport, the national talent and our players through partnerships between CLX Group and the Venezuelan Football Federation, represented by its president Jorge Gimenez,” said Nasar Ramadan Dagga Mujamad, CEO of Multimax Store.

We are Vinotinto

Committed to the national sport and its followers, Multimax Store and its CEO, Nasar Dagga, raffled a total of ten televisions brand CLX Android TV Vinotinto edition of 42” distributed in the matches of Venezuela against Colombia and Paraguay, in two contests conducted through the official accounts @nasardagga and @multimax_store in the social network Instagram.

To participate in the first sweepstakes, all you had to do was follow the instructions set out in the original post on the business group leader’s account, which included following @clx.group and @nasardagga. In addition, contestants had to comment on their prediction for the La Vinotinto vs. Colombia match, hours before the start of the game.

The second sweepstakes was conducted through a post shared between Nasar Dagga and Multimax Store on Instagram, where applicants had to follow the accounts @clx.group @multimax_store and @nasardagga to confirm their participation. Subsequently, they had to leave a comment mentioning a partner in the photo before the sweepstakes closed at 6:00 p.m.

Both groups of winners were announced through the stories of the official Instagram account of Nasar Dagga and Multimax Store, who will now be able to follow the Vinotinto experience from the comfort of their homes with a device that praises the national team, and live together with them this preseason towards the World Cup.

Alliances with the FVF

The CLX Smart TVs Vinotinto edition are one of the initiatives derived from the alliance of CLX Group as official sponsor of the Venezuelan Football Federation (FVF), through the agreements signed by its representatives, Nasar Ramadan Dagga, CEO of the business group, and Jorge Giménez, to promote La Vinotinto and its players.

The screen was officially launched last July with the firm purpose of promoting and supporting the Venezuelan national soccer team with its fans, and is currently available at all Multimax Stores nationwide.

Nasar Ramadan Dagga stated that being part of the growth of Venezuelans and creating positive experiences is what identifies CLX Group as a brand; for this reason, they will continue working to offer the highest quality products and alliances to highlight the talent of our people.

“We have full confidence in our national talent, who every day inspire Venezuelans to reach new horizons and excel. In them we place our hopes of reaching the World Cup, a goal we aspire to achieve in the next season 2026” said Nasar Dagga Mujamad.